Lansat in data de 14 Aprilie 2014 romancuta noastra Inna scoate clipul piesei Cola Song impreuna cu cel ce ne-a facut sa vedem vara altfel si anume cu J Balvin (Tranquila).
In acest video report cu numarul 40 pe Locco.Ro doresc sa prezint viitorul hit al verii. Spun asta ca in doar o jumatate de luna a reusit sa stranga 5.914.219 vizualizari pe batranul Youtube.
Dar sa nu o mai lungim atat si sa va las sa vizionati noul clip semnat Inna alaturi de J Balvin – Cola Song.
Ce parere aveti de noul videoclip al lui Inna ?
Versuri Inna feat J Balvin – Cola song
We got that Coca Cola bottle shape, shape, shape
We got that sugar, do you wanna taste, taste, taste
We take it all around the Globe
Baby everywhere we go make it hot when mama arrives
Shake! Shake! Shake
Like ooh, you know they wanted
Ey, andale
Ooh, you know we got it
Aah, smile we say
Soy Latina baby
Soy Latina baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole
Soy Latina y la noche we own it baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole
I got that Coca Cola bottle shape shape shape
But how much Cola can your body take take take
Everytime I come around, oh you know
It’s going down, make it hot when mama arrives
Shake! shake! Shake
Like ooh, you know they wanted
Ey, andale
Ooh, you know we got it
Aah, smile we say
Soy Latina baby
Soy Latina baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole
Soy Latina y la noche we own it baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole
Entra tranquila, pura coca cola, a dar tequila
Hasta Romania, tu sabe que esto es magia
Hoy gusto a Inna, el negocio Web miralias
Entra traquila, que tu no hace fila
Sabe a cola cola, sabe a vitamina
J to the B, I doubt with a name
You follow my game, you know what way
La noche es de nosotros y hoy venimos a celebrar
La fiesta apenas comienza y la gente y grita ole
No le eche la culpa a Inna que ella solo vino a bailar
J Balvin, Inna, la combinación mundial
Soy Latina baby
Soy Latina baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole
Soy Latina y la noche we own ït baby
OK, let’s party! Say Ole! Ole

Si eu si fimiu facem acelasi lucru 😀
Ascult de cand a aparut. Foarte tare. Bravo ei!
N-am incotro..:D daca aude piesa incepe sa-mi spuna: Tatiiii nu vad, tatii nuuuu vaaaad. Si tot asa pana ii dau si la video …ce sa-i fac … ma bucur ca totusi are ce vedea .. si ii apreciez si eu gusturile 😀
Sper că nu te uiţi cu el şi la video 🙂